Cancellation Policy for Individual Bookings
You can cancel free of charge up to 48 hours before arrival. For cancellations less than 48 hours before arrival, we will charge 100% of the total stay.
Cancellation Policy for Group Bookings (any booking of 3 or more rooms)
- You can cancel free of charge up to 21 days before arrival.
- For cancellations between 21 and 8 days before arrival, we will charge 50% of the total reservation.
- For cancellations within 7 days before arrival, we will charge 100% of the total reservation.
General Terms for All Bookings
Smoking is not allowed anywhere in our hotel. Any costs resulting from violating this rule, as well as damage to or excessive use of hotel property and facilities, will be charged to the responsible guest. This includes, but is not limited to, damage to furniture, bedding, and floors, as well as misuse of amenities such as the honesty bar. The amount of these costs will be determined reasonably and charged accordingly to the responsible guest.